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The Millionaire Inside: CNBC Special

Many of you may know by now that CNBC has created and is hosting a television series about wealth, investing and prosperity, called The Millionaire Inside.

CNBC programs will be familiar to many people who are interested in finances, and that includes most of the readers of this blog. No matter how wealthy we become, we can always benefit from more knowledge about money and how to make it work even harder and more efficiently for us.

The Millionaire Inside is set up in an interview format, with a panel of experts and an audience, moderated by the lovely and capable CBNC anchor Erin Burnett. What makes this series stand out from the many financial advisory shows and books available to the average citizen is that rather than featuring money 'experts' (who often have far less money than you do), the panelists are without exception self-made millionaires, and in some cases billionaires. They are all very wealthy, and their advice comes from experience, rather than theory. Much of what is said is hard-hitting and controversial, going against the mainstream financial advice widely available. As most wealthy people know, the afore-mentioned 'mainstream' advice does not a wealthy person create, for the most part.

The Millionaire Inside series airs in the evenings with regular daytime and evening re-runs. Check the schedule on their webpage for the next show. Enjoy, and prosper!


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